#Christian #Rap Artist "Profect" Featured in #LOV3RZ Magazine December

We can't wait to share the story and TRUE TESTIMONY of #PROFECT in #LOV3RZ Magazine December . The amazing life transformation that can only happen when you have been SAVED by the blood of Jesus Christ... Leaving behind all of the negative of his youth... Truly he is a new creation. Check out The Pilgrimage Album iTunes https://itun.es/us/T6Veeb Google Play https://play.google.com/store/ music/album?id=B4hnhw4dgfiqucs cvmqz6rg62sm Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01K 39P2KK/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_GTWV xb9P0ABWP If you are an independent artist who makes clean music with a positive message and want to be featured in an upcoming edition of #LOV3RZ Magazine, please email your bio, social links & 2 MP3's to featuremeinyourmag@gmail.com Thanks! Kellie Leigh Founder, #LOV3RZ Worldwide