Life Breeze Featured In #LOV3RZ Magazine September

#MusicLov3rz Independent Music Community #LOV3RZ Monthly Magazine Currently Reaching 1 Million+ #MusicLov3rz Worldwide per month! Est. 2012. Life Breeze Featured in #LOV3RZ September... We reviewed his song "My God" "Only God could turn a mess into a message, a test into a testimony, a trial into a triumph, a victim into victory! MY GOD!" #LifeBreeze #Quote #LOV3RZ Independent Magazine September 2017 ! By Kellie Leigh in #LOV3RZ Magazine 60 pages, published 8/15/2017 #MusicLov3rz Independent Music Community#LOV3RZ Monthly Magazine Currently Reaching 1 Million+ #MusicLov3rz Worldwide per month!Est. 2012. If you are an independent artist who makes clean music with a positive message and want to be featured in an upcoming edition of #LOV3RZ Magazine, please email your bio, s...