Marcus Green aka Same Ol G Featured In #MusicLov3rz April!

Marcus Green aka Same Ol G, was born in Quincy, FL to Bishop Willie C. Green and Lady Diane Green (Prelate of Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction Of Florida North‐ west COGIC). Same Ol G grew up playing the drums for Quincy and Community Deliverance COGIC where his father was the pastor and founder, but he strayed away from the church once he became grown. Same Ol G eventually joined the US Army and served for about 7 years. During his time in the Army and shortly after getting out of the Army, he became more involved in the street life and found himself in and out of trouble. Same Ol G also found his gift and passion and started rapping while he was in the streets living in sin. In Aug 2013, Same Ol G gave his life to Christ and decided to give up rapping and live for God after having a life changing experience. In January of 2014, Same Ol G was called to preach by God and was instructed by God to start back rapping for Him to reach this lost generation. Marcus "Same Ol G" Green wa...