Da Counsla Returns To #MusicLov3rz Magazine October!

This new song that the Lord has placed in my heart I pray will be an eye opener to many. A refresher course so to speak in the art form of love and relationships. It is very important that we learn to do things The Lord's way. It does not matter if we are saved or unsaved, God's way is the better solution. As I was being led while writing this song It had me thinking of our youth primarily. Although us adults could use some redirecting as well. The most important reason why we should wait on God to send u a spouse and get married before having sex, is to avoid the pitfalls that come with it. There are so many spiritual effects that take place having sex before marriage. You can potentially have children out of wedlock which in doing so you give free access to the devil to attack your children. There are many sexual demons out there as well that many can encounter. This song Genesis 2:18 is to bring more clarity on the purpose of the woman and how a man should view and t...