Ms. Preacherrapper Returns To #MusicLov3rz July!

I am Ms Preacherrapper. I am called to inspire, motivate, encourage, and spread the word of the Gospel through Rap. I speak on so many different subjects in my music. I speak from experiences, wisdom, and my upbringing. 

We are living in a time when spiritual warfare is stronger then it has ever been. God has a plan, and he is getting His army together. We are responsible for breaking generational curses for the next generation. We have to break them. We all must find some way to end generational curses in all circumstances. 

Welcome Holy spirit tells you just how the Holy Spirit works and how His presence feels. We all have the Holy Spirit guiding us, but it is up to us to follow the guide. 

I have a movie coming out on Prime which will have this song featured in it, and possibly a couple more. My book will be published this year, and my EP will be released as well. 

I was chosen by PMTM Modelling agency to attend IMTA (International Modelling and Talent Association) convention. This is where you audition for International Talent Agencies and Management Companies for my music. I will spend a whole week meeting, greeting, and auditioning for future agencies. This event can take me and my career to the next level. 

I moved to Georgia in 2017, and I have not stopped following and working on my dreams. It has been a struggle. When you walk by faith, it's not easy... to believe something will happen without even knowing when or if it's even going to happen.

 Having faith as small as a mustard seed is all it takes. Just believe that God will give you what you ask for no matter the time. We become weary in our waiting, and we can block our blessing. I am here to tell you to allow the Holy Spirit to walk with you, talk with you, guide you. 

I would not be where I am today without following what God wanted me to do. Nothing is easy when walking by faith, but the reward of standing in your faith is when the blessings unfold. 

Take it to another level, don't allow fear to hold you back. It's a God thing. Let the Holy Spirit in!! 

You can find me on all digital platforms under Ms. Preacherrapper. We all have skills and talents that God gave us. Just tap in, ask for guidance, and watch God work in your life and in this world. 

Get her latest single "Welcome Holy Spirit" on 
Connect with her on Twitter

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