Jordan Faith Featured In #MusicLov3rz September

We Are The Wave Compilation Album was an idea that I had about two years ago. I had the idea but I didn’t really have the means nor the resources to do it. I was new to networking in CHH and I didn’t have any artists to do the project with. Last year we added a couple new artists and that’s when I realized this project as possible. It’s basically an introduction to New Wave Music Group. Also to encourage the youth to let them know they don’t have to be what society tells them to be. They can forge their own path and do something bigger than themselves. I started New Wave to give the average local artist a voice. It’s a diverse team from all over the World. Tairrans my mentor lives in Nashville but was raised in California. I was born in Nigeria but grew up in Nashville. Loic Beatz was born in Ivory Coast and raised in Paris. Jay-Tee was born in Texas but raised In Lincoln. Beau is a d1 athlete that wrestled for Nebraska. Christ-Style grew up in Louisiana. This project is multi genre so no matter what your music preference is, you can get into it. Whether you’re on a road trip and just cruising or you’re in the gym crushing it. We made this project for everyone, believers and none believers alike. I was just a kid that thought gang banging was the way to live but Jesus has another plan for me. I have mentors that help me through this journey called life! This project is the heartbeat of New Wave Music Group! This is a welcome letter like Paul wrote to the churches. It’s for the struggling believers out there who are new to the faith. It’s also for the atheists out there who are confused and looking for proof of God. It’s for the kid who believes the lies that secular music sells them with the American dream. It’s for the couple going through a divorce. Even the kid that is dealing with abuse or neglect. I have dealt with all these things, and I have been where you’re at. Be strong for we are more than conquerors. I’m 22 years old as I write this to you. Have faith in God for he is our source of strength. This project is just an introduction there’s more to come. Music Lovers I hope you’re ready to join the wave! God bless! 

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