#CHH Artist "Drisco" Featured In #LOV3RZ Magazine December edition!

#MusicLov3rz Independent Music Community #LOV3RZ Monthly Magazine Currently Reaching 1 Million+ #MusicLov3rz Worldwide per month! Est. 2012. Submissions of clean positive music & bio can be sent to: featuremeinyourmag@gmail.com

Emerging Philadelphia based Hip-Hop Artist "Drisco" looks to make a bold statement with his latest self-produced single titled "Godflow". Laced with heavy hitting lyrics from an artist who prides himself on making music that inspires people to dream, spread love and keep hope alive; "Godflow" is certain to shake the foundations of Hip-Hop as we know it today. In a pivotal time where Hip-Hop remains in desperate need of a revival, Drisco has proven to be a true beacon of light for the culture. Originally from Virginia Beach, VA Drisco infuses soulful sounds from his southern roots with thought provoking lyricism to deliver an inspirational message of hope centered on Faith. In 2016 he released the critically acclaimed 2-track single titled "Change" partnered with bonus track "Slowing Me Down". The groundbreaking manner in which he captured the ills surrounding black urban living earned him a finalist spot in the Great American Song Contest for both tracks individually; competing against over 12,000 songwriters from across the world. Now with his highly anticipated sophomore project approaching, his latest single "Godflow" serves as the first single for his upcoming EP titled "My Assignment".
"Godflow" is available for 
download at driscomusic.com 

#LOV3RZ Magazine December 2017 Issue #23
58 pages, published 11/19/2017
#LOV3RZ Worldwide Independent Music Magazine Featuring Clean Positive Inspirational Motivational Music From Around The World!

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