Da Shepherd Boy Featured In #LOV3RZ December
#MusicLov3rz Independent Music Community #LOV3RZ Monthly Magazine Currently Reaching 1 Million+ #MusicLov3rz Worldwide per month! Est. 2012. Submissions of clean positive music & bio can be sent to: featuremeinyourmag@gmail.com
songwriter, producer, and Hip Hop Gospel artist. Born and raised in Washington DC, the Morehouse alumnus serves as Youth Minister at New Shield of Faith Christian Ministries in Atlanta, Ga.
We reviewed his song "Reppin For The Kingdom" in #LOV3RZ December, coming your way on November 20th!
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By Kellie Leigh in #LOV3RZ Magazine
58 pages, published 11/19/2017
#LOV3RZ Worldwide Independent Music Magazine Featuring Clean Positive Inspirational Motivational Music From Around The World!