PASSION Featured In #LOV3RZ Magazine March - Front Cover! #TEAM #PMG
PASSION Featured In #LOV3RZ Magazine March - Front Cover! #TEAM #PMG #PhiladelphiaMusicGroup

Passion has a strong desire not only leading through worship, but pastoring people into the presence of God through the Word and Psalms. Passion's purpose is to GLORIFY the Father, the Son(Jesus Christ), and the Holy Spirit through his music. He has a passion to CONNECT non-believers by sharing his testimony, the Word of God, and the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Bryant LeBlanc, platform name "Passion", is the worship leader at Philadelphia Christian Church. He oversees all worship ministries through song. Passion accepted Jesus Christ as his personal Lord and Savior in 2008. After coming to a place in his life where he was still empty and knew their was more to life than clubbing, women, wild parties, drugs, and nice cars. He was called by God into worship ministry in 2009 and has been leading hundreds of people into the presence of God ever since.

His mission is to ENCOURAGE and LEAD others to worship in spirit and truth.
Passion was born and raised in Lafayette, LA (Richterpark). He is married to his armor bearer Kimberly. They are blessed with three godly seeds; Kaitlyn, Bryant Jr.,and David LeBlanc. They are his first ministry and the prize of his heart.

By Kellie Leigh in #LOV3RZ Magazine
52 pages, published 2/24/2018
#LOV3RZ Magazine Clean Positive Independent Music From Around The World! #MusicLov3rz