The Sanktified Soulja - Apostle Thomas Featured In #MusicLov3rz Magazine January 2019!


Thomas Morrison; is a native of 
Seattle Washington, but he also lived in California (Compton, Watts and South Central).

While growing up he witnessed many levels of poor decision-making including Substance Abuse, Drug Dealing, Stealing and Robbing. 

Through his family members’ influential actions, he too developed a knack for the same kind of behaviors and took similar paths of self-destruction causing him to serve 
4 different prison sentences. 

During those prison times is when Morrison wrote a great deal of his music which consisted of his hurts, pains, love for his family, his real-life struggles, mistakes, losses, and the deep-seated love that he had for God. 

Also while in prison, he studied God's word and developed a relationship with the Lord surrendering his life and was baptized in 1995.  

After many successful years in and out of the Rap Music Industry and a short-lived contract with Death Row Records (cut short due to a return to prison), the once a street thug name (T-Lo) and the Gangster Rapper name of (BG Smoov), has now been resurrected to the stage name of 
“Apostle Thomas, The Sanktified  Soulja”. 

Preparing now for the release of his new hit-single “ Thank You” and his first book entitled “ From Prison To Redemption”, the Sanktified Soulja” will take to the road and the streets with performances for Festivals, in Prisons, Youth Events 
and nationwide platforms with a goal to use his music and book to positively influence the youth, drug-addicts, and domestic violence victims as he seeks out those with similar backgrounds as his, ultimately drawing them to Christ. 

Catch his FULL STORY in #MusicLov3rz Magazine January 2019 edition!

2019 Rhythm Of Gospel Music Awards Nominee - THANK YOU

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