"Q" Featured In #MusicLov3rz March Edition!
The artist Q born Miquel Brock from the small town of Ruckersville VA, has been creating music for the last 22 years, with dreams of doing music as a career. He is currently 34 years of age and an inspirational rap/hip hop artist exuding his faith through his music. He was formally part of the group Black Odyssey which consisted of his brothers and cousin. Through his own struggles and pains in life he shifted away from his faith and relationship from GOD. Though this shift occurred music has always been an innate passion for him. Through his difficult times his creativity had diminished to where the music wasn’t of his potential. By reigniting his faith and relationship brought about many physical, mental, and spiritual changes, therefore Q is lighting an undying passion through his music to tell his story of redemption.
Check out our March edition, coming soon, featuring Q's amazing work for the Lord!
"Let Go" & his album "Redemption" is available in all digital stores!
Get it on Amazon | Google Play | iTunes
& connect with Q on:
#MusicLov3rz: #MusicLov3rz March 2019 - Independent Music Worldwide
Clean, Positive, Motivational, Inspirational Music Worldwide † 2018 Steeple Award Nominee † 2019 IRAA Award Nominee