Rezurrection Returns To #MusicLov3rz April!

To say that I've been through a lot in my life is an understatement! But what I can attest to is God's grace and mercy all throughout my walk. So many times we as people look to control our own lives as if we don't trust God with our lives and His plan. Oh but how powerful His love is for us when we take our hands off the situations and allow God to "Handle It" for us. There's beauty in putting our full trust in Him. Most people know of my testimony of being told I'd never walk again in 2015 after losing my right hip, and having a fake left one. I turned to my pain pills and heroin to try and escape the pain and emptiness I felt going through this trial. But God, in His grace, when I didn't know what else to do, He saved me, delivered me and made me whole in Him! Written by George Jones III and Alicia McDermott Yanik, this beautiful worship infused hip hop song will move upon your heart and remind you to take your hands off the situation and allow God, in His power and might, to HANDLE IT! From 2011 to 2016, Rezurrection endured 8 hip replacement surgeries. With a fake hip on the left and no hip on the right, he moves through the Spirit of God, knowing he is a walking miracle!

Get Rezurrection's new album "George Jones":


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