Slick Smart aka DooBoyCoy Featured In #MusicLov3rz Magazine January

I spent most of my life running away from GOD. I didn’t want to submit and tried doing it my way. I feel most run away until they finally realize He’s always there wherever you run too. He is there before you get there. To remind us of our purpose. 

I was born in Sierra Vista, Arizona to teenage parents from Tennessee. My dad joined the military fresh out of school and mom dropped out to raise me. I grew up in many places throughout the south (Texas, Tennessee, Kentucky, Alabama, and even Germany). We moved every 2-3 years so we technically never settled in anywhere. I claim Texas and Tennessee as home. I attended 5 Elementary Schools, 3 Middle Schools, and 3 High Schools. Not a normal childhood. I was arrested in the beginning of my Junior year and spent the rest of my school days in a Juvenile facility in Austin, Texas where I graduated and received my diploma.

I figure the best place to start my story is somewhere as a child when I knew I was different and everybody else did too. GOD planted something in me from birth to break generational curses within my family.

My parents noticed me as a black sheep and only had majority black friends it was a problem for them. My parents tried to teach me the bible specifically said different colours should not marry each other. Since my heart was designed differently, this made me rebel against GOD at a very young age. I did not want to believe in a GOD that was about hatred and division. I literally felt the pain of minorities and did not understand how others did not see things the way I did. I rebelled and ended up hanging in the streets, where I was embraced and shown love. Even though I was different, I was accepted. I was embarking on a gangster path early in my adolescence and then once I rebelled against GOD. It all went hand in hand.

The devil tried to force me to sell my soul as a youth and I resisted. Though this did alter my path in life. I ended up with gangs because of my need for love and acceptance. I was taught I was going to burn I ended up a gang member, doing drugs, and robberies and all kinds of mischief. By the time I was 16 I had already done it all or seen it all, or so I thought.

Just another bad kid lost. Upon coming home from Juvenile, as an adult my next venture was to become a big time drug dealer since I figured this was the life. I tried to find GOD as well. It’s kind of hard to explain. I told my parents I read The Holy Bible and that their outlook was wrong.

I jumped into the street life even harder.

I realized I was not allowing GOD to shine, and I was not putting out HIS light. I raised my family in the game. I started struggling in the game mentally and financially and was tuning out the voice of GOD.

It was after the attempt on my life that I started calling out to JESUS. GOD intervened and laid me down. GOD really had a plan for me, and I had to stop focusing on my plans. GOD was protecting me it was never me and my gun. It was always THE MOST HIGH and I truly owe my life too him. There were signs all along the way to stop until finally HE had to stop me, but I was still alive. JESUS SAVES is all I ever heard or seen along the way. I received an 18 month sentence in Arkansas when I was facing 20 years. GOD really messed up the cop cams and all the evidence against me. It was truly a divine intervention. But the damage my family had witnessed was embedded deeply. In prison I fasted and prayed and became a spiritual warrior for CHRIST. I started doing music for GOD, but I was still stumbling. It was only through the music that GOD saved me and showed me where I was failing HIM at. I started giving away the money and I was only stressing to pay bills. While I thought I was doing good I was still doing bad. I was speaking to strippers about the love of JESUS or I would be sitting at a homies house dropping off a big bag of weed but I’m talking about JESUS. It was there that the HOLY SPIRIT was convicting me more intense than ever. I knew I had to let this life go and everything and everybody if need be. I recorded BLESSINGS but was still smoking weed. It was hard to fully submit when I was so lost. Just like so many these days that I relate with the struggle. I only recently in October 2019 quit smoking and have been working on my new project THE FLESH MUST DIE. I have learned that it was me holding me back the entire time. I was only smoking to deal with insecurities, and it was actually making my life worse.

I have fully submitted to GOD and I only want to help others battling with the flesh. JESUS truly saves and I’m a living testament to HIS salvation. I relate with those who are persecuted, and I know what it feels like to be judged by everyone. I’m just another messenger and I’m only here to help spread HIS Gospel and remind those pushed away that JESUS loves us, and we must repent of our sins and through obedience your seat will be available at the table. GOD BLESS and I hope this helps someone because I know that JESUS SAVES. HE saved me……

Get is song "Blessings"

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