JSpeaks The Poet Returns To #MusicLov3rz March!

#MusicLov3rz March 2021 - Independent Music Worldwide

By #MusicLov3rz Magazine in #MusicLov3rz

64 pages, published 2/27/2021

† 3x Award Nominee "Media Publication of the Year" † "Magazine of the Year" 🙏 Independent Music For The Lord of All Genres †
JSpeaks new album You Think You Know Me is now available on Pre-order on Amazon!

Born in Hawaii and raised in San Diego, CA, Jerome is a military progeny who has been blessed to travel the world and be exposed to diverse learning experiences and people. These experiences served as a perfect platform for preparing him to minister and relate to people from all over the world, which would later become an integral part of his purpose in life. Jerome has been a poet at heart and has had the gift of rhyme all of his life, but his serious commitment to writing and reciting began in 2009 after he clearly heard the voice of the Lord tell him, "I GAVE YOU A GIFT...USE IT!!!" From that moment forward, he has been dedicated to using his God-Given gifts as a scribe which includes poetry, songwriting, and rapping. To date, Jerome has released several compilations. Why JSpeaks (2016), A Different Dynamic EP (2016), and the singles, God is Greater (2017) and Long Way (feat. Urgency) (2019). Currently, JSpeaks is finishing up his latest project entitled “YOU THINK YOU KNOW ME?” to be released in February or March 2021. In addition to his artistic endeavors, Jerome is also a teacher and humanitarian who serves on the Board of Directors of Speak Out Inc., a nonprofit organization on a mission to bring awareness and education about the effects of domestic violence in Houston and surrounding communities. Additionally, 50% of all sales from his single, God is Greater are donated to various hurricane/typhoon relief efforts. Jerome is an artist set apart by God who ministers through his talent for the purpose of conveying the Word of God in diverse ways. His hope is that through his gifts, the minds, hearts, and eyes of people will be opened so that they may realize this world is bigger than Self. His ultimate purpose is that his art will be the vessel that leads people to form an intimate relationship with the Lord.

Check out JSpeaks' video for "Long Way" ft #Urgency while we await his highly anticipated new album, You Think You Know Me!!!

JSpeaks' Testimony

JSpeaks cannot complain about how he grew up. He and his family always had plenty of food to eat; good clothes to wear; a bed to sleep on, and a house to live in. His mother worked in the financial industry for the first 15 years of his life then decided to become a homemaker. His father joined the military before he was born and his father is also a minister. They've been married now for nearly 40+ years. His father retired from the United States Navy in 1993 after serving 22 years. So one would think how does a young man who grew up in church and comes from a two-parent household, end up going down the wrong path of life. Well, when poor decisions are made, it causes a domino effect of unpleasant events and in spite of the distasteful consequences he continued to suffer, it took him 23 years to see that he genuinely needed to make some changes in his life.

Because his father was a Navy man, he and his parents had to move from place to place. For almost 14 years he never lived in one place for more than 2-3 years at a time. Because they moved from place to place, he felt like he had to force his way into being cool with all the other young people. Unfortunately, the children he always tried to imitate were always doing wrong. The funny part is, while he was trying to be so much like them, they were always making fun of him. At the age of 16, he started smoking marijuana, cigarettes, and drinking alcohol. So for the next seven years, he partied until the sun came up and became very promiscuous. When year seven came around at the age of 23, he had an experience he will never forget.

One night he was lying in bed when suddenly a dark shadow like overcast covered the walls of his room. Then next to my bed a figure of a person was tucking his sheets in. This figure kept tucking his sheets in so tight until he couldn't move. About two minutes later everything in his room went back to normal and he was able to move again. He was scared and his heart was racing, but he could not call anyone until the next day. Finally, he was able to contact a good friend of his and she told him that the experience he had was a spiritual message and that God was telling him that if he did not stop being so promiscuous that he would destroy himself. Instantly at that moment, he decided that abstaining from sex until marriage was not a bad idea. Not long after that, he lost the desire to smoke and drink alcohol.

Life is a series of events that happen in our lives. Some we have control over, and some situations are just out of our control. However, the important detail is not that we control these events in our lives, but how we react to these situations. Our reaction to whatever we go through determines the outcome of the event, and the outcome determines the change that is made from within.

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