DaCounsla Returns To #MusicLov3rz April!

Title: Soul Mate


This song “Soul Mate” is a collection of experiences seen through the eyes of many people as well as through my own personal experiences. Lately, as I have been in studies to become a certified marriage councillor through the calling that was placed on my life, I wanted to allow God to have his way on this song. My wife is one of my biggest influences in my music ministry. The love that we share that God has given to us truly helps me bring into effect the love Jesus want us to experience in relationships. Marriage is the cornerstone of relationships with the most important one being that of the one we have with Jesus Christ our Lord.

Main Message

The purpose of this song is to bring to light the fact that no relationship is ever going to be perfect. No marriage comes without ups and downs. Even for a soul mate. Even for the one that God has joined you with according to Mark 10:9, you will have difficult times. There are so many that are struggling within their marriage, but I hope this song can bring joy, peace, comfort, and much needed refreshing of love to the listeners. My prayer is that everyone that hears will be strengthened and encourage to not give up. Just because you may be in a certain season in life that does not mean that the person you are with is not the one for you. Or that you made a mistake by marrying them. Marriage is a life-long covenant, and it should be looked at as such. 


After reading this I do hope that every marriage is restored in Jesus Christ mighty name! Lastly, for all my single people out there searching for a soulmate. Take it one day at a time. Most important thing you can do is focus on the gift and calling God has on your life and if it be God’s will for you to have a wife or a husband allow God to show you and bring that person to pass. No need to try and move ahead of God continue walking in patience and in that right season God surely will bring the right one to you but ultimately for the Glory of His Kingdom! 


Dear Heavenly Father, 

You are the righteous one! You only are God and there is no one besides you my God. I am praying for your people Lord Jesus that you continue to strengthen them and grant them peace. Also, Lord we ask for your wisdom when searching for a soul mate Lord that we do not move before you but wait with patience for your promise. For all your promises are yes and Amen.  Lord Jesus, we lift every marriage up to you right now that you keep them and no matter how hard things get you told us to not let anyone separate us according to Mark 10:9. For what God has joined together that is a bond that no one can break. According to Ecclesiastes 4:12 you told us that a threefold cord is not easily broken. As long as we keep you tied together in the mist we have your protection. Now, we command every unclean thing trying to destroy our marriage and relationships to flee right now in the name of Jesus Christ!!! Satan, we command you to Loose your grip on God’s people right now and we send every demon and trap and every plan from the kingdom of darkness to go back to the pit of Hell now! In the Lord Jesus Christ name! Amen. God Bless you all! Enjoy the music and Know you are loved! Roman 8:37-39.

Get DaCounsla's debut release "Soul Mate" in the digital stores:

Find all of Da Counsla's work on: Reverbnation |  YouTube

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