DaCounsla Returns To #MusicLov3rz February

Song: Run Ya Race

Written by: Pierre “DaCounsla” Corley

July 17th Release Date

This song entitled “Run Ya Race”, is a song that I am hoping brings encouragement to the listener. What I believe the Lord Jesus Christ was inspiring me to write was a song that cultivates the mind to think differently about one’s circumstances and how it relates to our faith. The Word of God teaches us that the Just shall live by faith (Romans 1:17). Understanding what faith is and how we can use it to our advantage to fight against the many attacks that the devil throws at us.

1 Peter 5:7. This verse is vital to how we view our relationship with God. He does care for and he wants the best for us even if we can not see it. The Holy Spirit wanted to remind all of us that he care’s and you can give God all your problems, worries and concerns. There is not one problem that is too big for Jesus Christ to handle. 

The ultimate message from this song is to inspire hope for the lost. Hopefully, many will come to the knowledge of Jesus Christ through true repentance. Also, for every believer out there that they will hold on to his unchanging hand. To be deep rooted in the faith so you will not be shaken when life hits you hard.  Developing a strong personal relationship with Jesus Christ is so important to living in this life. With out Him we have no hope or chance to fight against evil. 

Lastly, but certainly not least. Never forget what he did on the cross for us! He shed his blood and died so that we can live. That we could be reconciled back to the father. It is what he did that saved my soul and the shedding of blood that redeemed me. Never forget the meaning of the Cross! Never forget that sacrifice. That is how much he loves us and that’s how much he loves you.

Get "Run Ya Race"

Amazon | Apple Music | Spotify

And get DaCounsla's previous release "My First Love" 

Amazon | Spotify | Apple Music

& his (debut release) "Soul Mate":

Connect with him on: Instagram | Twitter

Find all of DaCounsla's previous work for the Lord on: Reverbnation | Soundcloud | YouTube

#MusicLov3rz November 2021 - Independent Music Worldwide

#MusicLov3rz: #MusicLov3rz November 2021 - Independent Music Worldwide

† 3x Award Nominee "Media Publication of the Year" † "Magazine of the Year" 🙏 Independent Music For The Lord of All Genres †

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