Salt Of Tha Earth Featured In #MusicLov3rz March!

Matthew “Salt” Postell, is without question one of THE most prolific Christian Rap Artist of our time. Not only does he spit for Jesus, but he lives for Jesus. His commitment to Christ is evident in the way he loves his wife, fathers his children, runs his business and pours into the community via outreach opportunities.

Matthew’s journey began as a young boy, born and raised in Birmingham Alabama, under the watchful eye of his God-fearing mother. Because of his upbringing, Matthew was introduced to truth early, yet, chose to bathe in dirt.

Matthew's choices ultimately landed him on the other side of a .38 caliber firearm. On that day, it became evident to Matthew that he HAD to change. God in his sovereignty, touched the heart of the gunman and spared Matthew’s life. This is when and where “Salt of tha Earth” was born!

When asked about that day, Salt stated:
“After having that encounter with God, watching him spare my life like that, I knew, hell was no longer an option for me. I grabbed hold to the plow and didn’t look back!”

Once his hearts affections were set on Jesus and his life submitted to Christ, “Salt” exchanged his worldly rhymes for raw kingdom lyrics designed to, prick, convict, and draw the hearts of men to the ONE who changed his heart forever

Salt served as the third member of Christian Rap Trio, Jesus or Bust, prior to releasing his solo project; Salt of tha Earth on November 9, 2013. To date, Salt has ministered at multiple venues nationwide. His powerful stage presence, coupled with fiery beats and a heart for worship, immediately ushers in the presence of God, cultivates a place for people to encounter Jesus and be transformed by his Holy Spirit.

Salt’s number one desire is to effectively articulate God’s heart through his music. He refuses to compromise the word of God for the applause of men.

Salt’s mission is simple: Expose the kingdom of darkness through God’s heavenly lyrics.

Salt currently resides in Cincinnati, Ohio with his beautiful wife JaQuan Postell and their two children. Matthew and JaQuan are owners of Salt-Light Productions, 5:13 Graphics and Media and S.I.P. Publications, where they use their creative gifts to uplift the kingdom of God, by ministering not only to the lost but to those that may be lost in man made religion and traditions.

Get Salt Of Tha Earth's single 'Your Will':

Amazon | Apple Music | Spotify | YouTube | Tidal


Connect with him on:

Facebook | Instagram | Twitter

 Hear this single in #MusicLov3rzRadio's 10:30P-1:30A EST Christian Hip-Hop Rotation at

#MusicLov3rz March 2022 - Independent Music Worldwide

#MusicLov3rz: #MusicLov3rz March 2022 - Independent Music Worldwide

† 3x Award Nominee "Media Publication of the Year" † "Magazine of the Year" ๐Ÿ™ Independent Music For The Lord of All Genres †

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