B.E.R.I.D.O.X. Featured In #MusicLov3rz October!


Bryant Tabb aka B.E.R.I.D.O.X. was born and raised in Philadelphia, PA.  He is a Christian Hip-Hop Artist, Music Producer, DJ, Engineer, independent record label owner of Christ Revolution Music and the Host of the Christ Revolution Music Radio Show that airs Sundays at 12pm EST on Holy Culture Radio - Channel 154/Sirius XM Radio.  He has been involved in the Christian Hip-Hop music scene since 1998. 

The name B.E.R.I.D.O.X. is an acronym that states the true purpose of this Christian minister/artist/producer. Bryant Educates Radically Informing Disciples Of the (X - which means unknown, but interpreted here as the Truth), which is in Jesus Christ. Since Beridox has come into the knowledge of the truth (Jesus Christ), he attempts to speak with authority the truth of the word of God. The truth is no longer unknown to those that are saved. He attempts to diligently bring across the message of truth to those who are lost and spiritual edification to those who are saved. 

He grew up in the Church and accepted the Lord Jesus Christ at a very young age. While maturing in life, he was growing up in the era of Hip-Hop in its beginning stages and soon realized that he too had a gift to write and recite rhymes. Unfortunately, in the very beginning of recognizing his gift, he didn't do it for the Lord; he did it for the world. At that time, he admired emcees of that time like Big Daddy Kane, Rakim, LL Cool J, EST from 3XDope and others and desired to have a similar style to battle other emcees and be victorious, yet with wordplay that amazed the mind. While attending John Bartram Motivation High School in Southwest Philadelphia, he attempted to be the best battle emcee in his school. After graduating from High School, he soon returned back to His first love, God. During that time of his life, he cultivated his relationship with Jesus and walked many years in God's word, studying and finding out more truth from the Bible in order to grow spiritually. At that time in his life, he really had no clue that Christian Hip Hop existed until God showed him other local ministries doing it for His glory like Omega-Trig, Cross Movement, and more. Shortly thereafter, the Lord ushered Beridox back to the pen and pad to write rhymes, but not with a walk or talk that was catered to the flesh, but of the Spirit. God also blessed Beridox with a music production gift to create music for his rhymes and enabled him to start CRM (Christ Revolution Music) Productions in 2000. 

Since then, Beridox has released 3 full length albums. The debut CD/Album was entitled "Manuscripts Of A Servant" that was unleashed on the world back on Tuesday, January 24th, 2006. The Sophomore CD/Album "N.O.L." which stands for Newness Of Life was released on Tuesday, November 13th, 2007.  The 3rd full length release was actually a double CD/Album called “Sign of the Times, Vol. 1 & 2”, released on December 27, 2019. 

Outside of the music ministry, Beridox lives a pretty normal life.  He has been married to his wonderful wife Kisha since 1996 and has 2 children, Erin & Miles.  He attends Christ Community Church of Philadelphia, where his most recent positions in the Church were Associate Pastor and Minister.  His main focus now primarily consist of the music ministry and the radio ministry.


Get B.E.R.I.D.O.X,'s latest single 'They Forgot About Us' featuring Classmaticc

Written by Bryant Beridox Tabb and George Louriano
Produced by Tinotenda Vincent Muromba aka Tinohits
Mastered by DJ Morph

'People may forget about us, but God never does. He promised to never leave us nor forsake us. So stay connected to God and change the world.'

Amazon | Apple Music | Spotify

Connect with him on: Instagram | Facebook | Twitter

B.E.R.I.D.O.X. is also the host of the @crmradioshow which airs on @holyculture #siriusxm #radio #channel154 Sundays 12pm-1pm EST

& his website: https://beridox.com/

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