Billy Jr Returns To #MusicLov3rz December!

Billy Jr has said that a lot has changed since his last release " MADE FOR GREATNESS " It has been an amazing journey. 

Billy Jr is back at it once again with his newest project  "STILL HERE 4" which you can pre-order now. This project will be release on all digital streaming platforms 12/30/22. 

He has said if God blesses you, you have got to bless others... it's important to give back and do the right things for the community and help other people. 

We are kingdom citizens a chosen generation a royal priesthood a Holy nation.
The debut single from the project "Still Here 4" is called "Crime Scene"Ft . Shoebox Proper.
Here is a look into the single:
“See the rhyme scheme is a crime scene
Where Dead beats come alive see em’

The bars have a double meaning. 
For instance The “rhyme scheme is a crime scene” refers to using our lyrics in excellence, in essence “killing the beat”.  Because our lyrics are meant to give life because they are gospel inspired, even though we’re killing the track, we’re giving life to a “dead” beat.

Now if you put those two words together the meaning changes. A “deadbeat” is an idle or disreputable person. So our lyrics will awaken the “deadbeats” to rise up and take action, changing their reputation and impacting this world for the glory of GOD.  We are also dead in our trespasses but made Alive in CHRIST. 

2 Thessalonians 3:11
For we hear that some among you walk in idleness, not busy at work, but busybodies.

Romans 6:11
So you also must consider yourselves dead to sin and alive to God in Christ Jesus.

You can follow him and hear his music on:


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